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The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio • 3

The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio • 3

Zanesville, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THREE lofiDAY, JUNE -19. 1909 THE ZAMESVILLE TIMES RECORDER T5EXFP1W LEXINGTON SCROFULA iinim im- ugk th G4 it Hm thtu if a. 'OIL AND GAS NEWS CAmBRIOGEMAN'S HARROW ESCAPE HEWS LETTER Ths usual symptoms of Scrofula srs glandi of ths seek, gores and ulcer oa ths body, skin affections, catarrhal trochlea, weak ayes, and general poor health. Tha Inherited poison, transmittal through I the blood, pollutes and weaker this fluid, and in place of Its nutrmvs xw Lesirg-'on June it qualities fills the circulation with scrofulous matter, which saps the ritality c'aj)-rrien4 and' reUMve, i-aJj- AT fil ARIETTA 1t i. 1 of tr.e tde.ity c.m-j far.y h-4 fowt showing of oil on ip th lime.

The- hrea ns1 In this i well is of about half a million Cibic ff-et of gas a day and this Is being to one of ttie fai'loria near New Lexington. The first well of tha Turkey and former students are begin- am, to gather the aBDuai com-; Almost Knocked Beneath the Car havs spent their childhood in constant physical suffering, and grown to scanhood or womanhood handicapped by 111 health and stunted growth, 1 and perhaps later soma disease of the bones or Joints developed. 8. S. 8., given la their early life, would hava prevented this.

It would have cleansed and purified that blood of the taint, nourished and stengthened their systems, and assisted each to grow into strong, healthful manhood or womanhood. 6. S. S. Is the verv best remedv lor Scrofula.

It eos St. Aloysius' academy nut Monday and Tuesday, The commencement x-erc'ses wit) be held Monday. Ths program fur the alumnae asso-elation gathering was given out today I .) -1 'V i I h' i 't 1 i -h -v 'fjT down to tha bottom of the trouble, and cleanses the circulation of all i I scrofulous matter. It supplies tha weak, diseased blood with strength ill be aa follows a. at academv chand a.

ra, Business SfiaUm, remedv all SVmctoms of Scrofula. My awnv. H. fi R. rnntnint nn Wheels John Haldencaa ii Desd Cambridge, inn It -Frank Smith of Cambridge, had a narrow escape from injury and probaiil.

dath this rooming bIkhii 10 o'clock wh'n fcs Was rrorslng the B. O. tr, ka at Second ar.d Buil.r stret. He hl Just M'i-id onto the tratk when jsrd engine, which was tint Front strict, Into a airing of cars that were. timilh.

Mr. Smith threw out hand and himself from in front of the In any form, and is an absolutely safe treatment for children, even Infants, persons ox my age. Literature about Scrofula and any medi'-al advice entnpany win be la within few daya It Is located near some of the best wells of the herparfr company. It Is thought that the Ml. ldpe No.

I a ill be a well, a. -hough it has not tw.n cleaned at after the shot. The drillers have been working on for two days but as yt have been utuble to get It thoroughly clean. The Standard OH Co. Is now build-Ihf a six-Inch iriatn between Junction City and New Islington.

This main will be completed by tha middle of July and will take care of tha wells near New Lexington. The f.rst well of the New Lexington company Is through the Here and the. string of casing has been put In i The same may be of the Crusade' i ax, swift Sterne atlahta, ga. 13.90 noon Lunchcm. 6 00 p.

m. Benediction at chapel. During the afternoon the following program bo carried out, with Mi Clara Thlmmes, prestderit of the as-soclatlon, as toa-'tmisiress: "Our Alma Mater" Miss Crobliy. SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES (Ceatlnneel Pram Churrh Pace) nd not If yorj or.iy In to ae as, Ey tr ry vexatSout. If sight be defective or dim on cab gt erjoym'nt out Of Uf.

eye 'n easily be eured or by the nght kir.I of g'e fitted Cir.sult our expert eye p-rtailat n4 If there any heift fr yo-4 he win tail yoi what to hva ina BAUER BROS. EYE SPECIALISTS HUMPHREYS' Humphreys' Veterinary Specifics forthocuraof diseases of Horses, the third of tha arrive of nanhoorj- "Auld iAng Anna He came near being knocMJ lace. but manage to keep his 'The Wealth of a fm-t- hi worse fur his tx- Cattle, Shoep, Dogs, Poultry. 1 For FIVERS, Milk hw, Lons Feres. irtue.

Marie Kwmg. jFer: I MS3. JOHN B.B, For SPRAINS, Lamcueu. Rhenraailim. No.

I. Mns. JOtlJT HOPPrWeUur Ave, Olendale, L. N. rltwt Several of the new wells In tha! "I have been suffering for the past fields near New Leilnginn ar wlth m.ay laci-a as tha Here with a lS-im Hen tn mm no.

al r.turh In.ts. C. C. For Ml KB Threat, ElxooHe.DUtwer, D. 0.

For WORMS. Bota. GruW. E. For COrCIlS, Colas, loOaratn.

F. F. For COUC, Bel Ivaeba, Diarrhea. G. G.

Frevratt MISCARRIAGE. H. H.For KID.fEVaoa BlaaaerJIsoreera. I. 1.

ForSEl J.K.ForBAP In.ise.Uoa. Prlca, 60 Cents pep bottle. CLA ItK.N'I. i.N' BL'lLDIVa gestion, I was weak sad discouraged, ha4 no ambition, could not sleep St 3 and the gas frons this sand cased orT and ud. Miist all of the New Lx-Ington welts s'rlke In raying quantities In the P.erca.

JuHN H. HALDtRMAN. All Cambridge was shocked this i morning to learn of the death of John H. liaUlrrman, farmer gi-ncral manager the Ohio Co, In this irity, now if Charleston, W. Vs.

His (death occurred at 8 a m. at (he family 'home In Charleston, of typhoid fever. Thirty-nine years sgo Mr. Hi! was born In Hamilton, pa. He murrlt'd to Miss Cora Fleming of his home city shout 12 years ajn.

Klrven years ago he removed to Rut-lcr, thence to Caldwell, spendinj a year In the Noble county rapltol lie-fore removing here, in this city he was gwrn-ral manager of the nhio Fuel Sup "Class of Lucy Glenn Price. "Welcome, fo Clafs of "OS" Miss Josephine J. Wright. "Response" Miss Florence PrauM-ing, "Work" Mrs. Lucretta Miller.

"To the Clergy-Mrs, M. H. Donahue. An excellent musical program will be given by the Ciarke-Diilow orche stra. HONORING ACQ A HAN.

Sunday afternoon the Macqahan club of New Lexington will dedicate granite marker at the birthplace of Januarlus Aloyslus MacQuhan, who was known as "the Llbf-ratur of Bulgaria." MacUahan was born at Pigeon Roost, four miles southwest of GlBSOM Vet Cure Oil, fop Stable or night, and loel (really in weight. "I tried other remedira, but with sueceaa. untLl I commenced to take Parana. I nuw fol tter in every respect, ran sleep well, and have gaiae la weight. I cannot pralxi Prruas blghiv esough for the good baa done niakinj aermoiia and th auhjnt ni "Tin Man hoclal." Hrr a ir-t for our people, on nt WednJay eveninr lev A Norcrona.

1 11, will deliver hla great addtaaa on "Africa." Wa are ut of uur ground when we aay that Uil la truly a great in'-asajte by a strong man of clear via-alnn, and Dr Norrross la verv gener-oua to glva It to ua at tfcli tlrna. t)ur people iuut not fall to Mil the houe to hear him. lie will hold the quarterly conference after the lecture, riraf ragrrgatlaal North Sixth Hev. Carloi Mc-Grath paslor; realdenre Hi Hamllne Ava. Faubath scliuol, a.

Junior society, p. in Senior Christian Endfavor, 6 p. prayar meeting, Wednesday evening, I li; preaching, 10.30 a in. and i m. teeoad Preabyterlaa Opposite Memorial hall.

Donald Mr, Intlra Hoaa, pastor, residence, 210 Adair Ave. Services. 10 31 a. m. and 7 Sunday school, 9:20 a.

Christian Endeavor. p. prayer meeting. Wednesday, 7.30 p. in.

first Churrh of hrlat Park and Amelia Hugh Wavt. minister; resides at 415 Mrlntlre avenue. Preaching every Lords day by the minister at 10 30 a. m. and 7 ao p.

Bible school, Christian Endeavor, 30 p. prayer vv ednesday, 7:30 m. You are cor-1 dlally invited to attend all these ser vices. Fair Oaks Baptist 1 Corner Woodlawn and Mavavllla A i OUSE Field Use, $1. Death of George Henry, George Henry passed a ay Thursday at tlin home of his sister, Mrs.

Nettle Morgan, of near Chllllrothe The remains arrived la this city yesterday and were removed to 'Musevllle. where the services ill be hi id this At druggists, or sent prepaid Cinannatl'i on receipt of price. rr "If any women aresufforlng as I did. A BOO Page Book on the treatment and care of Domestic morning. One son who Is In the wet, would ad rue them to try Ferula sod a brother.

L. Henry of ChandSers-l convinca themaelvea. I'eruaabaadoa Animals and Stable Chart to hang up, mailed free. vine, ann two sisters, Neltie Morgan and Mrs. Mary Wilson of Muse- MOST FAMOL'S HOTEL la rh Very Cntef of (he Ci'y's Business iclivl.

lies. I imtPHRETS" B0JU5O. MSBICtSl CO, Corner William awl Ana Smets. New York. vHle.

survive. The Interment be made In the cemetery at Young H1 'k- ory. ply Southeastern Ohio properties and only a year ago removed to Charleston, Va. 1HS. MOURE 6TRICKKN.

The legion of friends of Mrs, A. C. Moore, wife of Ir. Moore of Htetihen-vine avenue, will be grieved to barn that she has suffered a stroke of paralysis that has altectfid her left side and the patient Is In a sc-rlous condition. Mrs.

Moore has only been home from Grant hospital, Columbus, little more than a w. PICTt'lG OK DAUGHTER. An excellent picture of Josephine Peterson, the charming little daughter of Ir. and J. U.

Peterson of tU0PCAM PU $1.30 I nd Up. me good. I know by my experience that It Is worth Its weight In gvld to any one who needs It, "I aloUk Manalin, for eons tlpatlon, in connection with I found it helped me where otlvr laxatives failed." New WtN of Cjtsrrti. Miss Mallsa Jotley, rarrnele, jr. write "I have been taking jour Pe-runa, end can say that I am well of tha catarrh.

"I thank vnu for your kindness and yout advice." Rev. Vacation. Tev. V. Ely.

psstor of the Kalr Oaks Baptist church, Is away on a vacation, and during bis absence the pastorate will be occupied by rtev. L. Mean of Dresden. Hev. Elv left Bunday school, 9 15 a morning worship, Junior meeting.

B. V. U. meeting, evening ser-, vice. 7:30.

Itev. Lvman H. Unn nf 't riresden will preach at both morning and evening services. Wednesday evening prayer meeting, 7:30. yesterday for a week's visit In northern Ohio cities.

Brlghtoa Presbyterlaa Comer l.exlnffton Ave ami Inrllono Zaneavllle. was In today's Ohio State Journal. Mrs. Peterson was formerly Miss Wilma Carson and until her marriage, the and her grandmother. Mrs.

Ft. Ernest Julinson Wrleht. nnsitrir Morning service subject. "God Clial-! at 10.30; evening service, sub. i Ject, "Recompense," a storv of the times of Arab and Jezebel.

Illustrated Lowest Prices for Highest Grade Accommodations, Superb Cafe Service. Club Breakfasts and Table D'Hote Dinners. We want your pifronage sncj will make every possible eilort to obtain a retain it. Wewsntevery. one who vuita Cincinnati occtv to Lnow that the Gibson House it the moil advantageous place to Hop.

i Refrigerators i with three large paintings; Kmidavi 1 i school, c. A. Maxwell, superintendent; Junior meeting, 1 p. m. praver meeting and Bible atudy Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock.

MacGahan's Birthplace. Josephine Carson, made their home tn this city. ENJOYABLE RECEPTION', Messrs. and Mesdames Joe Shaw ana family, Will Shaw and family. James Shaw and family of this city and John Shaw and family of Hosevllle, attended the reception given today by Mr.

and Mrs. James Shaw of Casse) Station. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. St.

cuir Shaw who were married Wednesday evening. It was a delightful affair Disciples of fhrlat Preachlnir Lord's mornlnsr hv F.lrler THE CEXTLB TATTOO VTE ARE BEATIXO know about the excellency Of" our Feed, Hay and Grain and Build- J. H. Pennell, at 10:30 a in. and 7 p.

m. Corner of Woodlawn and Muskin New Lexington, and the old homestead Is still standing. The members of the club and friends of the cause of memorializing the deeds of the great war correspondent will visit the old farm Sunday and a basket picnic at the gum Avea. Bible teaching every Lord morning ai Seventh-Day Adventlite en' SujHies, is amply Justified by the MctS we know them and as our 4 You can get one of us bikI ry for it later. Our furniture prices are cash basis and we trust you.

AVhy not opa an account with New place of worship, Monroe and prominent th wa much enjoyed by the noon hour promises to be All Mowing Machine Sections na.ll old Kixm ward. Kabbath guests. (Saturday) achool, preaching at THE A. C. CORRE HOTEL CO.

Caesslias A. Bvklisrdi, Prt a4 Mgr. utkw rruur Oraa4 OtaclaaatU 14 p. ni. Know them.

Old custom eis'stay with us, an4 new ones In- crease In numbers, because they leaui that they are sure of getting- wht they want when they want it, the bet value for their money to be had, ard joe each with rivcis. We carry in stock the sections for following mfiohirif First lafted Presbyterlna AL HEEp ARRESTED. AI Heed of the Fairground addition was arrested last evening by Chlwf Long on a warrant sworn out by Tommy Reynolds, also of the Fair Ridge near West Main Rev. R. W.

Nairn, reticence, 2is Champion, McCormlck, Deericg, n.i... i i it-. tun, ijiiiruB oio-n. orrvi' vu tvery prove Sabbath school.

Hi a. prtachlna- It to. you. i ou in. una i p.

xoung people's Christian union, 6 p. mid- I'liinnuai't, uiuuiuc, rvuiiciy Piano HOTEL ground, on the charge of assault and battery. He appeared In the mayor court th1 morning and was given the i stiff fine of :5 and costs, which he i jgJJSANESVILLE GRAIN EUILDErtS1 Sfppt.v rn weeK meeting. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.

Wise Specdj Mornlnar subject. "The, Christian Sol- feature. At 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon the marker will be unveiled and addresses will be made. President Hynus of the club will preside over the ceremonies and Col. William A.

Taylor of Columbus, a boyhood friend of Mac-Gahan, will deliver the principal address. Other persons who are expected to be present and deliver addresses are Attorney Juhn F. Ward, Hon. James T. Carroll, Attorney James B.

Yaw, Columbus: P.ev. Thomas J. Hor-an, Shawnee; County Auditor George T. Drake. J.

O. Newlon and others, New Lexington. "MACOAHA.V BIRTHPLACE." i BUU, BeJI 92 ..10.11 MAW ST In Request of Cnn furnish acctioiig for any old Alho carry ledger ilatei for and rough gertioun for -'ino pinner. uooa music. A cordial BROADWAY and Hth STREET First Methodist Protestant paid.

If This case was the result of si quarrel in the Fairground last night and a ij lively fracus was reported, and rtw YORK CITY. Wlfkls fn A '-MS of r.rf FnlM af Ltnml. M.lf font H.uiilni, I'-iinlert. Uring old section with you and we can fix you up for harvest. The Furniture Mfea MAIN AND FIEST STS.

nolds seems to have gotten the- worst black eye, by Heed's a. of It, coming out with a which he stated was made heel. if w.ii if som'P'u X'1J at Oilsh. m't1thim Atnum'mmii. IVwrimua BOOMS $1.03 PER DAY AK3 UP V-rr ommniflnaa Snmnl Kovmja at RrsMsahl Halts, Berkshire Son 616 Main St.

Beaumont Rev. I). Coburn, pastor. Sunday school at 9 1 ft a. preaching at 10.15 a.

in. and 7.30 p. Junior Endeavor at 2 p. m. Y.

P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p.

in prayer meeting at 7:15 and Wednesday evening. First Presbyterian North Elxth Rev. C. L. Alspach, paslor.

Habbath school, 9:15 a. divine worship, 10:30 a. p. Young People's services, 30 p. m.

prayer meeting, Wednesday even-Ins at 7 o'clock. German Evangelical H. Kamphausen, pastor. Sunday achool at 8:45 a. services at 10 a.

and 7 p. m. The morning service will The program and exercises will be of a very informal nature tind all persons Interested are cordially Invited to visit f'he MacGahan farm tomorrow and be present at the ceremonies. At the entrance -of the MacGahan EL'ROHEAS PLAN. Table d'Hote Breakfast 80c.

I lac. Loans on Real Estate Security at per cent. We especially like to receive small deposits on pass books, from (1.00 up; but we likewise receive larger deposits farm a slab haa been erected Jarins- ADDRESS ON BANKING AT MEREDITH COLLEGE George Brown Delivers Instructive Address to Pupils Per-manent Feature About 60 students of the Meredith Business college interested In banking, heard an able address on "Banks and tsEaawjp; the words, "MacGahan Birthplace." Around the post holding this slab all for which iseue either pass books be English, the evening service Ger pilgrims to the farm are requested to man. place a stone. If every one of the, tcompoundlng Interest quarterly) coupon bond certificates at CHICHESTER PILLS hundreds who yearly visit this place 'si Banking" yesterday afternoon af the i contributes a stone there will soon be such an accumulation that It will be a goodly-sized monument In Itself.

fliii H4 ml ,14 college, when Georgfc Brown, Zanea- Mel 'H i ville well known banker, consented A' WAR RELIC. President J. Donald Hynus of the to enlighten the pupils upon this Irn We Sell Right Are You Buying Right? Scales Liver Pills 15a galln fikin Face Powder. I'k; Swan Down Powder 12c IfK Jackson's Digestive Powders 35c .00 Zemo 75c Pluto Water 10c J5.j Booth's Talcum Powder 12c 26c Violet Talcum, In glass 10c 25c Roi ky Mt. Tea or Tablets 23c 25c Diamond Herb Tea 12c 60c Pal mo Tablets 60c Chamois Skin tHc 25c Rhoop Nerve Pills 15c 25c Sal Heptica ISc lie Electro Silicon 10c Harlem Oil jo MacGahan club has arranged through i feature of business life.

TRY A YANT AD. St. Paul's A. M. E.

Rev. Joshua H. Jones, pastor. Sabbath school, 9:30 a. divine service, 10:30 a.

class meeting, 12:10 Christian Kndeavor, p. preaching. 7:30 p. holy communion, first gabhath In each month; prayer and praise service on Wednesday evening. St.

Lake's Mission Fine St, near West Main. Bunday school at a service at 10:15 a. m. Euclid Aveane 31. E.

tT. L. Hlckey, pastor; residence, 125S Euclid Ave. Sunday school, 9:15 a. m.

D. A. Woodward, superintendent; public worship, 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p.

morning subject, "A Poor Best Better Congressman Douglas to secure a Mr- Brown has had a life-lomr ex SOLOBVDRLOOISISEVWM three-inch gun from the war depart-i perience fro'n which to draw conclu- mem io oe piacea at MacGahan wmiy raa upon me grave In the New Lexington cemetery. ul'3fict of banking Institutions. His ad-This cannon will be shipped from an an admirable snd exhaustive arsenal 'in Georgia and was used in the'1''6' and tha students gained mucn Civil war. It Is Indeed very fitting I vaIuabIe Information from his talk. tup JiSBS (ist hm that this old war relic should be placed at the grave of the world's greatest war correspondent.

No doubt there will- be a large gathering at the MacGahan homestead Sunday, as all persons interested In 1 man a Kicn evening aubject, "Wagons, Clocks and Ktars, a sermon for young men; Junior League, Epworth League. Ladies' Aid society meeta Wednesday afternoon at the church; Wednesday prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. Valvrraallst Corner Woodlawn and Muskingum Avea. Regular servicer each Lord's day at 10:30 a.

m. You are ail welcome. Trinity Lutheran I Corner Seventh and Harvev Sts, Rev. Otto Burnenn. pastor.

Sundav the club and the life work of Its patrop Auumwi on various sunjectg in the business world will be delivered at the college every Friday afternoon to the various classes, and this feature promises to be one of the most entertaiutng of the college year. LOUIS S. HUFF IS MARRIED IN CHICAGO The many frii-nds of Louis 8. Huff will be surprised to learn of his marriage to Mlfcs Mae Black of Chicago, 111. The marriage was solemnized last week In Chicago, Mr.

Huff Is a popu The Mews Pharmacy Corner Mala and Fifth Sis, Zaaeavllle, Ohio, Clark Cruii-es of the 'Cleveland (Hamburg-American Line) 18,000 tona, brand new, superbly Sited. BOUND THE WORLD From New Tork October 1909; from Kan Frannlacf, ir.n lain school at 9 a. m. German service at are invitea to be present. HARRUFCK RECEIVES GHECK FOR S2500.00 ly four months, coating only S50 AND -'-at lar traveling salesman and has a hoet of local friends ho will Join In extend- ing congratulations and wishing him success.

The bride Is an acoomplithed young woman and popular in the younger social set of the Windy city. r'wirw up i minus i I nn irn mi IIIFiill cr. inciuaing an expenses afloat and ashore. SPECIAL FEATIHE9 Madeira, F.gypi, iDdla, teylon, Burma, Java, Borneo. Philippines, Japan.

An onus. uaJ chance to visit unusually attractive place a. liilh Annnal Orient Cm lee. Feb. B.

10. by North German Lloyd S. 8 "Grosser Kurfuerst." 73 days including 14 daya Egypt and Palestine. $400 up. FRANK C.

CLARK, TIMES BLOU- cnnarena aay exercises at 7 p. m. Putnam Prenbyterlnn No preaching services, owing to absence of the pastor. Sunday achool and Christian Endeavor meetings aa usual. Grace Methodist Episcopal Austin M.

Courtenay, pastor. Parsonage 514 North St. At 9 a. Pun-day school, H. E.

Barnes, superintendent; Men's Bibie class, W. ti. Ijomer, teacher; 10:30 a. public worship, sermon by the pastor; subject, "What I'o These Stones Mean?" At 30 Epworth League; 7130 p. public, worship; a musical service.

A brief address on "Music in Worship." St. James' Episcopal North Sixth street. Rev. C. E.

Mackenzie, D. rector. Resides 907 Blue The young couple will make their home in cnicago arter a brief visit with Mr. Huff's parents, who reside on the East Pike. Whiskey for the SIckwRoom should be selected with the greatest care, as msch depend! upon its rich, nutritious properties and absoluta purity.

Veil can always rely upoa SunnyBrooK IKE PURE FOOD Whiskey anewering every requiremnt. It is sdl and be. ed tntn sijeeisl care and for tse etpresa of beiag uwd novriant to-iie la the nom fiCVS If BR-'a Bottled la fconJ it U. S. Go.eramaat stsadard nroof ai every host tfs i "Oraaa Gofsraacat Stamp" saowtsg tae correct asd Imitt on getting th gtniint, acetpt no fcife 6U.T BROOK Wilbur CO, tti It.

Camp Easy Briefi Miss Margaret Wldney of Zanesvllle spent last week here as the guest of Miss Grace Hare. avenue. LSI 111 wale: VEB Mrs. A. J.

Harsch and daughter. Pansy, of Cambridge, and Miss Ther esa Orr and Mrs. Hughes of Zanes- John H. McDonald, the local representative of The Fenn Mutual Life Insurance Company, recently handed a check to H. B.

Dick in settlement of a matured 20 year Endowment for 12,600.00. Mr. Dick was formerly a resident of this county and for the past ge-ven years has been the popular division engineer for the B. O. R.

R. with headquarters at Newark, O. Mr. Dick advises every young man to do likewise; and the fact that he has since taken out another 12,500 in the Penn shows conclusively that he Is one of Its many satisfied policyholders and believes in staying with a good thing. His final cash dividend was 22 per cent of his premium, which Is far above the average on an endowment policy.

ville sper.t Thursday here. Orville Mercer is spending a few Dr, H. CRAWFORD Epecialit on All Private Diseases V- of Men and Women Consultation Free. Office: Veller Theater Building, Zanesrille, Ohio. Sell Phone 833-K.

Ind. Fhon days in camp and is catching quite a few members of the finny tribe. Mr. and Mrs. H.

C. Garver and Miss FULL QUARTS- DY EXPRESS PREPAID 4 55 Oriental Club Entertained The ladies of the Oriental club pleasantly surprised Mrs. Ray Shipps at her country home on Leonard avenue of Avelon heights yesterday afternoon. The ladies came with well filled Baskets wlta all of the good things to eat. and when Mr.

and Mrs. Shipps came home in the afternoon they found an excellent supper awaiting them. The evening was spent with croqut and other games. The guests were Mes-s dames Roy Wilbur, Roland King, Fred Gitter, Homer Bash. Cary McKlnney.

Frank Brown. Herbert Gressel and James Newman. Ruth Bishop of Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs, Brenneman of Greenville will occupy one of the Camy Easy cottages auruig ne last weeg in June. SEND YOUR ORDER TO THE M.

STANTON 46 EAST CHESTXtT ST. COLIMBPS. OHIO. Sixty-five years a member of th hai- let company of the Royal Opera house 1 PUI I0XEI. $ES9 EinMCC WITH T0t r.S.lf su eooti smrrtu e.

o. d. Golf Club Dance, An informal dance will be given at the Golf club pavilion this evening. at Beriin is the record of Miss Charlotte Eraun, who celebrated her eightieth birthday recently. OUR WANT COLUMNS.

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