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The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio • 3

The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio • 3

Zanesville, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TtTBDAt, nnTL 14. 1919 THE TIMES RECORDER. OHIO. PLAN BOX Sll'l'tit church will present a recital Friday evening at the church. The recital mobile traffic was at a standstill In many localities.

Members of Mrs. Ethel Ad urns' Ral- will be under the direction of Mes- oiuo ox ine west Ena avenue daniea Jennie Jackson and Thelma Kelly. church have completed plana lor a WOMEN VOTERS HEAR SHARP CRITICISM OF V. S. FOREIGN POLICY While the Hood crest for rivers and smaller streams were not In sight, the overflow had washed out sections ol hlKhways and railroads as well as wrecking bridges and damaging crops.

Town Indians Founded Submerged Under Lake As Progress Triumphs Court Is Lenient With Man Who Spent Four Months in County Jail Awaiting Trial SOUTHERN STATES boat euppen to be enjoyed next Saturday evening at the borne of Mr. iind Mrs. Herbert Mayle, South River Qoad. The publlo la cordially Invited. MENACED BY FLOODS MISSIONARY MEETING The Woman's society of the Central Presbyterian church will meet at 3:30 o'clock Friday afternoon In the ladles' parlor, A large attendance Is desired.

TEPEE HERO TGK2G Spending four months In the eoun tv jail awaltln trlaL Is an uneonv fortable punishment, Judge Charles BIRMINGHAM, April 23. VP) For stomach, Br P. Rlbble said yesterday in common CHICAGO, April 23. on A student of government and American history, speaking today- to the National League of Women Voters at Its biennial convention, criticized the foreign policy of the Dinted States, particularly as It applies to Central snd South America. John Halladay Latane, American Lowland Inhabitants of Georgia and and kidney Ills.

pleas court. Alabama tonight were experiencing tbe worst flood In many years, while A splendid laxative Joseph Smith, 24. who was com rexldcnts of Arkansas, pestered several mltted to the Jail Dec. 23, 1927. on I composed of roots.

charge of grand larceny, and was barks, herbs and days by overltowing streams, were winning their fight against the back later Indicted, remained in the Institution until yesterdav when he was fx. waters. MIGHT COUGHS I 'I Fositiverystoppedalmostln- sta stantly with one swallow of THOXINE be lowered to petit larceny, and explained to the Judge that Smith bad already spent about four months In the county Jail. Judge Rlbble agreed to the prosecutor's recommendations and after the prisoner pleaded guilty to the petit larceny charge, the court fined him $100 and costs, saying that four months In the local county Jail was an uncomfortable punishment. Smith paid the fine.

Ha was charged with stealing an overcoat. Homer Wisecarver, Herman Edwards and William Wilkinson were each fined 25 and costs yesterday by Judee nibble after they pleaded guilty to petit larceny charges. The judge tacked on 30 days In county Jail for each defendant. Conditions prevailing In Georgia history professor at Johns Hopkins university, said Secretary of State Kellogg's "proposal to outlaw war has become a proposal to define the attitude of the United States toward taken before the court to be sen berries compound ed -with exacting care from an old Indian formula; free from narcotics or habit form. and Alabama were caused by torrential rainstorms which broke precipi tenced.

Smith, had previously pleaded not guilty to a charge ol grand tation records of long duration in the League of Nations, almost as em barrassintt as the ntiestlon propound REDWOOD larceny, but was wllUne to chance this plea to "guilty" if the count was several sections. Railway and auto- I ed to politicians, 'Are you wet. or dropped to petit larceny. Inft drugs. Tepee Herb Tonic can be bad at Bhurta Drug store.

Prosecutor Crossland recommended Referring to Nicaragua, Professor to the court that the grand larceny Latane observed: "We are there confronted with dilemma. If the conservatives win ws will be charged with gross unfair Tli in OheMew Mavtag Makes ness, because It Is generally conceded that the Liberals are greatly In the majority. If the Liberals win It will be a serious reflection on our policy air CIRGUS IN TOWN! SCOUTS MEET MAY 1 in having maintained the Conserve' uves power with the aid of ma rlnes." CHOIRS IN RECITAL Members of the Senior end Junior House Cleaning choirs of the West End avenue The Boy Scent Court of nonor scheduled for Monday, April 30, lias been postponed to Tuesday evening, May 1, as the John Robinson circus will appear here on April 3D, according to announcement made by Scoutmaster Ilgh M. Nlsbet last night. The change will give every Hoy Scout In the city and county the opportunity of visiting the circus grounds to study the wild animals, Indians and various things connected with circus life.

Easier Wash Heavy Blankets, or Drap 1 Quilts, Rugs eries this Easy Way ECAUSE Its large, i roomy, cast-aluminum tub holds four DRIVE IS STARTED AGAINST LICENSE LAW VIOLATORS S3 Quick safe relief In one mnufe all pain stops so quick is your relief from corns when you use Dr. Sertoli's Zino-pads. No other method so safe and ure.They remove fie cause friction and pressure of hoes. Thin, protective, healing. At all drugs ahoe and dept.

atoret 35e mschoirs ZitiO'pads Put one on the pain It fonet c. An Air View of the Cono-vlngo Duin April 23 Souls of the Susquehanna In Action against the unlawful use of gallons more than ordinary washers, the Maytag handles the bulky things of housecleaning time easily. It will flush out, with surprising speed, all the dirt from comforters, blankets, rag rugs, etc Now is the time to make a free trial test of the Maytag. It will wash your fine draperies and curtains as carefully automobile license plates In Zanes dians must be looking down in con the power plants are nearly ready. Experts declare that It will supply 13 times as much electricity-as Is used by the city of Baltimore.

Much of this newly generated power will be uaed on electrified railroads. I vine and vicinity was taken by State sternation upon the place that, ISO years ago, was their earthly home. Inspector w. c. eiater, of Columbus, here, Monday, with the filing of an End That Dandruff ft II (a affidavit charging Lloyd Dayton with They must be called upon the Great Spirit against the "evil" one for vengeance and an explanation for their using the wrong licenses on bis au Vaf Far ta mtthmmt tlmtrMIV.

lAa Maylm tomobile. ancient town has gone. 49 milmH wflA Iff- No Warning! Dayton was arraigned In municipal True, there still Is a Conowlngo. Mil geMltm Md. But It la not the Conowlngo of ami massage vigorously, using a little castor or olive oil when sculp or hair is excessively dry.

Keep this treatment up for sev When loose dandruff pets the np- Eer hand, hair begins to fall out. aldneas often follows. A quirk, pleasant remedy for a 150 years ago. That village today court Monday morning on the charge prnferred by Inspector Slater and pleaded not guilty, He was found guilty, however, and a fine of 125 and forms pert of the bed of ft lake 13 miles long, and fishes of the Susquehanna river now dart In and out of the remains of homes where Mary-landers once lived. costs wis imposed by Judge William (landrail condition is Listerine, used system" atically several'days.

Voa simply douse it on Freillch. Dayton was unable to payl eral days, lou will Io amazed the quick improvement. Lambert I'barmaral Company, bu Louis, U. Is. A.

tns line and was taken to county jail to serve out the line. TRIED IT YET? New and different! USTEHINE SIUVING CREAM. Your akin feelantarvelcme. Ij cool Jong after abaving. the scalp full strength Great l'oer Project Hardly a chimney of the old Cono Chief of Police Petet declared Mon as if washed by hand.

The seamless, cast-aluminum tub keeps the water hot; the all-metal, Roller Water Remover a new, exclusive Maytag feature, sets close to the water line, making it easy to put the heavy blankets through, i The tension adjusts itself, and the balloon-type rolls remove the soap and water evenly from every part of the fabric. PIinNP fr a Maytag. See It wash a big' aAiaU jubfui of cothe every to 7 min. utea, an average washing in an hour without hand-rubbing anything. Use it for a week's washing FREE.

If it doesn't sell itself, don't keep it. day afternoon that the action taken by 'A violent headache may come upon one unawares, but there is always relief for pain of this sort a tablet of Bayer Aspirin. Millions of men and women have learned to depend on this marvelous antidote for pain. Does NOT Affect the Heart Don't regard Bayer as a "last inspector Slater is but a sample of wlngo shows above the waters of the lake, which Is a part of one of the largest electrical developments In the United States. what motorists who violate the laws governing the display of license plates can expect in tne iuture.

The new Conowlngo stands high and Dayton Is alleged to have been us dry above the lake and the great new dam of the Susquehanna power company, and back of the massive walls ot ing licenses issued tor another car on LISTER! his own machine. the dam the new lake stretches for 13 miles, reaching Into Pennsylvania. Deferred Paymtntt You'll Never Mitt the safe antiseptic This Is tbs scene for the power pro AS A NEGRO SEES IT ject that, now nearlng completltlon, will supply a great section of the east with electricity. resort but a perfectly harmless first-aid for all those little aches and pains before they become bis ones 1 Physicians will tell you that Bayer Aspirin may be used freely as often as there is any need for relief. Founded by Indians Conowlngo was founded 150 years Editor Times Recorder: Sir: For Information I want to ask MAYTAG RADIO PROGRAMS WHT, Chlcaio, Til, Fri :0 P.

M. WCCO, Minnrapolla, M. WHO. D-a Molnra, 7:11 P. M.

KUKA, Pittahurfh. Tun. and 111:00 P.M. WBAP, Port Worth, M. KEX, Port, land, Ort Tun.

an4 10 P. M. KSL, Salt Lake City. P. M.

KZL, CenvM. 7 P. M. Haw designated ert standard tinu et the itatiani mami Mr. Demas Hoover two questions ago by the Susquehanna Indiana When the power project was approved about the Herbert Hoover candidacy.

He speaks of the Republican organi by state authorities, arrangement Many wholesome, tasty were made with all the villagers now, zation. If Maurice Maschke of Cleveland and Walter Brown of Toledo do not control. the two largest and most arbitrary organizations of Repub- of course, Mary landers Instead of Indians for the purchase of the entire town to be rebuilt on another site. Alt druggiiti havm thm gmnainm; Baymr on every tablet, and on the box. dishes can be made with The project started In 1812 with I ucan pomics in oaio, who aoes? THE MAYTAG COMPANY, Newton, Iowa Founded 1894 MAYTAG ZANESVILLE CO.

416 Market St. Phone 787 Zancsville the organization of the company i Why should the colored voter, ex wnicn developed plana for the con cept In the large centers, as Clncln- structlon of a power unit, the tlrst cost of which was to be $30,000,000 natl and Cleveland, where he Is boes- ridden, support the Hoover delegates? Today tbe dam Is completed and uurmg seven long years as commerce Newark, Mnytag Newark Company New Lexington, Maytag New lexlnge ton Company Calilnell. Maying "ulrs and Service (HiiihrhlKe, rtnytflg Cambridge Co. Cmhntltiii, Maytsg Coahm'ton Co. The Mnytag Kales Co.

secretary, Mr. Hoover segregated and humiliated every negro employe in all of the departments under his control. Not because of Inefficiency, CLOSE AT NOON FOR PRIMARY ELECTION Dut simpiy Decs use tney are negroes. I ask you again, why should the In RC-M-H telligent colored voter support the i Aspirin Is the trade Dark of Bayer Maoofactnte ot Moooawtlcacldeiter of BallcjlloacK Hoover ticket? Why? A. D.

Male, Jtlummvn Washer Zanesvllle banks and the county court house will close at noon today tne usual custom on Election Day. ail election nays are observed by The licst Place to Shop After AIT ANNODNCE FUNERAL OF SUICIDE VICTIM county employes and offices will close at 12 o'clock noon. STOP fiETTIIIG Its fender firmness and nut-like flavor tempt eye and appetite, Joulcls' for flavor Funeral services for Miss Melissa "We Are Boosters of Zanesville's Battery 131 Field Artillery" Wliitc Frocks For Confirmation and Graduation Spratt, aged 2, of near Spratt Sta tion, who committed suicide by drink UPHTS ing carbolic acid in the haymow at the family home Sunday morning, will oe held at 11 clock Thursday morn lng at the home with burial In the If you get up many times at night Zlon cemetery. Miss Spratt was a member of the by reason of Bladder Trouble, have pains In back, weakness or dizziness, general debility, painful, smarting Presbyterian church. She la survived by two brothers, Charles and Melvln Spratt at home; two sisters, Mrs.

Louella Elliott, Roswell, N. and and difficult urination, lack of con A Special Purchase Through Our New York Buying Office Last Week Sets a New High Mark of Honest Mrs. Robert Ray of Chandlersvllle. trol of urine, or symptoms of prostate trouble, try PALMO GLOBULES. No report of the suicide of Miss This remarkable treatment has been Spratt was made to Coroner Q.

Trout of Muskingum county. Thlsj used successfully by thousands. So was considered unnecessary by a Guernsey county physician who was confident that It will succeed, we will send a trial treatment ABSOLUTELY FREE to any sufferer who has never called on the case, he said last night. Value-Giving used it. No obligation or cost.

Write today. EMPLOYE OF LOCAL PLANT IS INJURED TUB PALMO COMTANT, 60 Calhoun St. Battle Creek, Mkli. Virgil Pulton, 27, of 838 Peters allev. 1 zu AfT? was painfully Injured ot 10 o'clock Monday morning at the Kearns-Oor- I such Glass Bottle plant No, 2, Ridge road, when he was hurled into the airl by a windlass.

He was unable to! SEAUTT of plairt life Is broudrato itsv maximum and lawns rwnfi most luxuriant tell how the accident happened, but was found near the machine In a serious condition. The Keck ambulance was called to! For Women and Misses take Fulton to Good Samaritan hospital for treatment. His condition was considered Indeterminable lost nlcht at the hosnital. Ha suffered 1 TheTeaberry Flavor greatly from shock. i If Mr.

and Mrs. A. P. Wlngate enter-! talned the members of tbe Hear and There dancing club and their friends i Coats for Sports Coats for Dress at their home In South Fourth street, when sacco aids the sun and rain. INVIGORATES and BEAUTIFIES lAWNS SHRUBBBRf FLOWERS One to one Hundred sound packages) to AWr-WHXPKtMIVt SACCO PLANT FOOD Makes thinqs qrov.

DisTnmiTOH SNELL HARDWARE CO. )tT Putnam Avenue, Zonesvllle, O. Newark, Thursday evening. The out-: of -town guests were: Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Trimmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mr.

and Mrs. Foster Spring, Mr. and' Mi Mrs. Lou Parr, Mr. and Mrs.

O. Hat-! ton, Mr. and Mrs. G. H.

Adrian, hDifferent It's trite but true that you'IIneverknowhow good Chewing Gum lean be until you have 'tried, the -Teaberry Jflavor in Clark's iTeabcrry Gum. YouU find tlie.Teaberry pink package a real find Any store. CLARK'S i L. Spring, Miss Mildred Adrian, all of I Zanesvllle O. W.

Wlngate, Ed. Win-! gate, ot Crooksvllle. i I Arrancrements are being made for! a literary program to be presented May 1 at the West End avenue church, Mrs. Lena Brown will be In I chnrge. DRALtnS Our greatest spring coat opportunity of the year came through our New York buying office last week I We took it! The coats are here! and now becomes one of your great coat opportunities of the year! Every coat should be priced many dollars higher Comparison with other high priced models should, at once, convince you that these fine coats are truly wonderful values.

Blacks, grays, tans and new beige tones. Every coat is a style success and made of the finest materials possible, at this exceedingly low price! Tile Co, 213 Sbntv-HnBhes SSi Mule Bnnlfleld Ildvre. Co, ROUGHS Apply over throat and chest I.omb H.lwe. Co. San Mnln St.

4. T. fiooilllve, 14n Greenwood Hiininhrrr Flovvef Shan. CHJ Mnln St. -The In.lnr Co- V.

PUIh t. Mnln M. The F. IVIIklntr Sons Co, iiU-li N. I II ill tit.

Xnneavllln Dnhlln f.nrdena, Mnrsvllle J'lke n. lllnekatone, l'i0 SI. swallow small pieces ot Early Choice Means Sizes HVt to 50 'i EABERRY Much to You b. W. Johnson, 1 H5 Ilcnrr hi VapoRuq Arinm Gobcl Son, Itosevllle, Ohio Qthtr St Million Jqr tf af Yrly GUM.

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