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The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio • 12

The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio • 12

Zanesville, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES RECORDER: TTESDAT, NOVEMBER 12. 1910 weeks to launch a campaign Good Samaritan hospital fc, Foot Slips and They Boost The Fund Campaign S. Z. Library Observing Good Book Terk ing the need for enlarging the ragn injuries sustained in an auto Kav Sis ced For Larger school cider.t on Nov. 3, will be ronrfs, 3 Ian Is Injured, The South Zanesville Library ed Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'cic at the B'tS P.un Methodist Keceives 10 ANDERSON Ft NERL School Ilk'I And- i near Cutter in Warning! on count-.

Funeral services for John Association is among those observing Good Book Weeok, with the motto, "Good Books. Good Friends." City education officials may take When his foot slipped as he Ct 1 i ff 51, colored, of 410 Shelby Burial will be in the church c-. who Saturday mghlietery. erKin. street jumped on the running board of a runaway automobile Victor of near Woodsfield, Ohio, received injuries that disabled him for more than two months.

Mr. Hossman is the holder of nutt Over 100 new books have been received at the library during the past few weeks and Miss Blanch Shilling, librarian invites the public to visit the instilulion. stf-ps shortly to alleviate an over- crowded condition at Lah high; school, Supt. Kenneth C. Ray an-1 nounced last night.

Pointing out that 1.274 pupils' are attending Lah high school, which originally was constructed for only Superintendent Ray; an accident policy secured through 'the Zanesville Publishing Com expressed the belief that the city board of education may the voters to approve a bond issue at I pany and has received a check for 540,00 this being compensation at the municipal election next fall, the rate of a month as vided by the terms of the policy TRUSSES Abdominal Supports Fit By An Expert SHURTZ DRUG STORE Success of the proposal at the polls would emible the board to I increase plant facilities to meet normal requirements for the next! 20 years. i Ray said that he may appoint lor this type of accident. Mr. Hossman is the holder of an All-Risk All Coverage policy. This policy, covering all accidents that may occur to the average individual is offered to any subscriber of the Times Recorder and the Signal or to any member of a subscriber's family of sound body, between 10 and 60 years of age, at the small cost of $1.25 for six months.

committee within the next fewi ROLLER-SKATING 8 P. M. to 11 P. M. MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM Baocinent, North St.

Entrance Liberal payments are marie for the loss of life, limb or time due Dr. 6. W. HILl DENTIST Ga Extractions 9 A. M.

to 4. SO P. M. Closed Thursday Afternoon Phone 649 IS North Mil St. Opposite Imperial Theter to accidental causes varying from J20 to 560 a month for disability Sixteen sti'denls of both public and parochial Sthuuln are pictured above with the posters they drew to boost the Zanesville and Muskingum County Fund campaign which Is now under way.

They are, left to right: Front row Timothy Riley, St. Nicholas; Lawrence John Hancock; Francis Sigiist, St. Nicholas; Raymond Sullivan, St. Nicholas; Tom and from $100 to $10,000 for loss of life, according to the nature of the McNally, St. Nicholas; Joseph Thomas, St.

Nuholns; Richard Krofl, Grover Cleveland, and Ronald Fox. Theodore Roosevelt. Back row Betty Ann Spear, Grover Cleveland; Betty Neff, Theodore Roosevelt; Mary Jenkins, John Hancock; June Dady, John Hancock; Helen Smith, Lash high; Joy Wood. Grover Cleveland; Fred Tay. lor, Lash high; and Karl Meyer, Lash high.

accident. This policy even pro vides liberal payments for small injuries which require medical at It Pays to Pay Fifty for a tention yet do not disable. rut I fort I OiiMrt-n Hrief Mention SIUUS, CATARRH DUI TO HASAi. COMWTtON Brin Ktrvt HmJ KcmIU. Hmh4 Hr hotw for relW tf-m the tortura of iniM triuhi, catarrh, and bar fever dua ta nanml onngentKm Men today in announcement at a rare aitrart which ha tit power to riut nasal ormgMitkiii.

Men ami wonwn who uf7rmi with irrmt lint atnu headarhes, rhKi-d lwwtril. If every member of your family is not thoroughly protected against loss from accidental injury, write or call at the Zanesville Publish To Insure news Items renrhlni; thnlr ing Co. for application blanks. IlatHlonnOff, Another (Jets It Hold your hats, folks, and read about something new in the annals of Zanesville crime. Willis J.

Gordon, of 1218 Putnam avenue, dashed into police head nrsuen destination ne suie lo address them to fcdltor. The Times Recorder, (itherwlse they to the that paper published after tney are received. Mr. and Mrs. A.

B. Ransom, Mt. WEDDING RINGS OUR SPECIALTY i ll Wiener Houst Held At Alexander Home Vernon, spent Sunday with their son, Georire Ransom, Dresden. I rinfrtns aararhe. hawkintr xnmini miM-ry now tf II of rmarkbla rewilu after nain KLORONOU Thm is a wry pntiv Joseph Jones, Arinms street, Stein Block SUIT or OVEKCOAT a medienl patient at Bethesda hos mea inns, b'lt innidf in riniA, the it romtm la only a fw -nnia pr dam.

Sold with itnct motrry back guarmntoa A wiener roast and party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Alexander with the evening quarters yesterday afternoon and he was hopipng mad.

He had been wearing a brand-new dnrk green hat, with a blue pital, was reported in a good con dition last night. being spent in playing games and Williams Wall Paiier, 1'alnt S5 music. Those present were: Ester Wilson, Lula Seright, Howard Dickson Marietta at Eiithtli. 'I'bone 4H2H Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Holt, of The few extra dollars that make the total fifty are just about the best clothing investment you can Toledo, spent Sundny here visiting Mrs. Holt's sister, Mrs. D. O. Ma- Lena and Anna Hat-man, Alma and Oice Apperson, Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Starrett, Mrs. Winnie Barnhouse and sons, Herman, Joe Dean and theney, of Wheeling avenue, Mr. and Mrs. G.

B. Johnson, of Cleveland, are vlsilinir Mrs. John make For when you pay fifty dollars for a suit or overcoat here you get a Stein Bloch with all the superb fit, comfort and tailoring that Stein Bloch stands for. Join the 'Tailored Fifties" bund and two jaunty feathers stuck in it, he told police. At Maysville and Putnam avenues the wind whisked his new hat right off his head and rolled it along the avenue.

Gordon gave chase, but an unidentified man grabbed the hat first, and instead of returning it to its grateful owner, he jumped in a car and made off wilh it. "This isn't said Gordon. "That hut cost me $3.50," Police listed it as a case of "lid-naping," and set about to track HAY FEVER SUFFERERSsrs 0UI TO NASAL CONGISTION nffVrrra Rciolcs a Ramarhabt Rrdpa Brinvft Vint Real Raauita, Kaahea Hara Nrw hovm for relief from tha torture nf aimia tmiiblt. ratarrh, and hay few dua to nasal congestion li aeen Uximr in announoa-ment of a rare attract which hat the amazing pwer to reduce naaal mnReation. Men and women who auffereii with aajoni-sing sin mi headarhea, clog Ked nontri ia, ringing earache, hawking and aneesing miaery now tell of remarkable reaulta after win KLORONOU Thia i a very expenaiva tnetlieiiit, but eon Aider in reatilU, the tS.OO it c(tt la only a few pennies per dosa.

son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin, of Otsego. Dm id hy 'Ictli mid Helen Bradford are daughters of Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Bradford, Otsego Kl. 1. Dorolhy was seven years of age Mrs. McCoy and her daughter (JiiTimie, Donald and Robert Wilson, Lena and Hurley Corns, Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Melntire, and daughter, Frances, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Downing. Mr. and Mrs. L.

E. McGrath and daughter, Mnr-jorie, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Downing, Dee Shook, Bobbie and Billte Dingey, Norma and Betty Downing, Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth Alex Thousands of happy couples who bought their rings here are your assurance of complete satisfaction. If you want to have the best, and yet do not wish to spend too much, come here. Genuine Diamond Set 1 Helen of Wooster visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc Oct.

17 while Helen observed her ninth birthday anniversary on Coy of St. Louis avenue. $50 June 17. Annetta Fitzpatrlck of Carlin I ville has returned home after at down the license number furnished Flying Quota tending the funeral of Rev. J.

R. ander, and son, Denzil and Mr. and Mrs. J. S.

Alexander and family. them by the victim. WEDDING RINGS Now Doublet! IH 'IUjLAR frightened away Sold with fir ict money back us ran tea BAILEY'S ON MAIN Mrs. Nellie Hutzel, of Richards Reflecting the Increasine temno road, roporterl to police yesterday of national preparedness, the monthly quota of Armv Flviue Ca that a would-be burglar had torn rtels from Ohio, Kentucky. West a screen from a door to her home during the night, but that, he apparently had been frightened away.

Virginia and Indiana has been FREE DELIVERY rilONE doubled, the War Department to Milk Mixture For Stomach Ulcers A recent medlcnl discovery now being used by doctors and hospitals everywhere hns proven unusually successful In the treatment of atnmnch ulcers caused from excess acid. It Is a harmless preparation yet so effective that In many cases the palm of stomach ulcers disappear almost Immediately after It is used. Also recommended for Ran pains. Indigestion and heartburn due to hyperacidity. Sufferers may $9.75 WATTS S.

flth St. Quality Diamonds 1875 day notified Brigadier General Cle ment A. Troll, commanding the flh Corps Area with headquar Fnnnnn. Pearl Hughes of Crooksville was a Zanesville visitor Saturday, Beatrice Mnier of South Fourth street spent Sunday visiting relatives in Newark. Mrs.

Rollnnd Gnuttier who has been seriously ill tins been removed to Bethesda hospital. Mr. and Mrs. I). K.

Price and Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Prlre, all of McKeesport, were visitors nt the home-of Mr.

and Mrs. J. D. Price. 631 Melntire nvenue, over the week end.

They left Monday for Cincinnati to attend n. convention, expecting to return to Znnes-ville Fridny. J. D. Williams.

Cincinnati businessman, was a visitor here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Piper of Sonora, spent the week end visit ters at Fort Haves, Columbus, Ohio. The former quota was 120 ac cepted Flying Cadets a month.

The current quota is 210." Col onel S. (1. Talhott, Fifth Coros What do you care how ztartinais as simple as now try this at home by obtaining a bottle of Lurln from their driiKidst. Lurln contains this new discovery In Its purest form. Easy to take.

Just mix two teasponnfuls In a half glass of milk. Costs but little and sold under an absolute nunmntee that tt BAZLEY'S Area Adjutant General, pointed out. Colonel Talhott said that the '-waj quota would not be broken down by states and that eligible appli Getting uuaraiiis must satisfy or money refunded, l.urln 627 Main Ph. 1663 SPECIALS lor sale ty fcckerd a and drug stores everywhere. cants would he Selected from the ing thp former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr.

and Mrs. Brvce Corps Area at large without regard for state boundaries. The double quota became effective November 1, according to Colonel Talhott, who added that Piper, of Yotingstown, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, of Canton.

TENDER LIVER 9c FRESH SELECTED BRAINS 8c For Women Only! Mrs. Jean Gibson Hanr-her, of the Fifth Corps obtained more than twice its allotment for October and received commendation from the Adjutant General. Kxtra TVndrr SIRLOIN use Sohio gasoline! STEAK South Sixth street, has returned from a two months' visit with her son Dr. Ken G. Ha richer, of New York city.

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rawlins, of Hnrrisbiirg, are guests at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. II. M. Newberry, Elberon nvenue. Mrs.

Rawlins and Mrs. Newberry are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. T.

Edwin Newberry, of Cambridge, spent Sunday visiting at the home of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Barrlnger, I i lying Cadet applicants must be unmarried, male American citizens at least 20 years old and not yet 27 who are physically fit and who ran pass an educational examination. Two years of college exempts applicants from the scholastic examination.

Details may be obtained at any Army recruiting station. PI'RE PORK SAISAOE 12V2C ALL BEEF HAMBIRG 12V2C So Honey Curd HAM Buns of Willard. spent Sundny visiting the former's sister, Mrs. OUie Har-rop, of Ridge avenue. SC HH)L ItOAKI) TO MEET Only routine business will be considered when the eity bonrd Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Rait, of of education meets at 8 o'clock get winter lubricants at Sohio! Maple avenue, spent Sunday in Columbus. John Spencer, who resides with Iupsuny evening at the superin tendent'g office in city hull. SPARE RIBS 12V2C FRESH OYSTERS 22V2C pt. Are You A Marathon Walker? Kxtra TctifOr his daughter, Mrs.

Oscar McGrath. of 448 Stewart street, suffered a severe heart attack Sunday. Although his condition was" quite serious for a time, the elderly gentleman is now slightly improved. ROUND 5 Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry Eat. talk.

Inuuh nr impede u-ithriif 25' I.lsina- furnarm the 24-hour attention that many of thrm rruuir mmk marathon walkr out nf STEAK Mr. and Mrs. Frank Currv. Mr. fear of Insecure fnlse teeth dropping, slipping or Hiibhllng.

KASTKKTH holds Country Roll many womrn. A Mill Kurt Stoker will (I) rot your nrnar--trnilin mllri la halfj (3) jonr enrrsv for vrnin wilh the family; and rrilurr fort hill. Sci our ri 1m-play today no obligation. uiiuvjt iirmcr iiihi more eonnrtrlHhiy. Thl plensant tnnvdei- has no gummv.

gooey, pasty taste or feeltne. Doesn't and Mrs. David Curry and children, David and Francis and Clnrenee Arnold visited Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Arnold in McConnelsville Sunday.

BUTTER 30c cause nnusea Its alkaline mon-m-ldl. Checks '-iilnte odor" i denture breath). KASTKKTH Ht any rtruK "tore. Mr. and Mrs.

Homer Hendrixson Juncdale tmoltrd BOHN KERN SUPPLY CO. returned home Monday from a let us keep your battery winter-tested! hree weeks' motor tour to St. CALLA 31-36 S. 3rd St. Th.

Petersburg and other points in Florida. HAMS F. II. A. Convenient Terms Rectal Diseases DR.

H. R. DYSINGER Richards 4th Market Streets Phone ltS Residence 128S-W Zanesville, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. O.

L. Rankin left Monday morning for a few days ivisn in iev orK. They will go 'to Philadelphia Thursday where Mr. Rankin will attend the an-1 SEWER PIPE- nual convention of the National Association of Realtors. Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Patterson Your Guaranleed Starting certificate is FT1EE if your molor ever fails io siari. Jusi call your favorite garage and send the receipted starting bill to Standard Oil. ALL SIZES 3-inch to 24-inch Stove Pipe Flue Rings Chimney Tops Channel Pipe and daughter, Martha Louise, nf Cleveland have returned to their Fittings Elbows Curves T's Y's Traps Flue Liners Wall Coping home after visiting with Mrs. Patterson's mother, Mrs.

Bertha Smith of Putnam avenue. SOHIO Mr. and Mrs. Perry Jackson who GUARANTEED STARTING have been visiting friends and relatives in Ohio the past two months, will leave Zanesville for their home in Los Angeles, Wednesday. They expect to arrive home on Nov.

21. Drain Tile 3 to 15 Lowest Prices JOHN DUERR COMPANY Everything To Build A Home 1759 Maysville Ave. Phone 277 and 226 no wonder a recent survey showed 95 of the motorists who had it during last year's tough Winter will get it again this year! Home Extension Merling I'luiuieii at Hopewell The first In a series of home extension meetings will be held at 10:30 o'clock: Wednesday morning That jingle word tells the story. For this is frankly i prescript mn pharmacy. Vi specialize in careful compounding.

Skilled registered pharmacists prepare each prescription e. actly in accordance with the Doctor's instruction. No substitutions or alterations are permitted. Our large volume means a rapid turnover, assuring fresh, potent drugs in every instance. Fair prices are always the rule.

GORSUCH Pharmacy ITour Retail Store 311 Main St. Phone 169 HOW GOOD'S YOUR MEMORY? Remember last Winter? Day after day of blizzards one of the coldest, snowiest in Ohio's history. Vet, SOI UO products licked it to a HOW YOU'RE PROTECTED No matter how cold gets from now until April 1941, we guarantee your motor starts. If you ever fail at the Hopewell high school. The program will feature an address hy a representative of thp Muskingum county Red Cross as sociation, who will discuss "First Aid in the Home." A luncheon will be served at noon.

Persons expecting to attend were asked to bring a covered dish and sandwiches. You Soon OWE LESS and OWN MORE! That is the story when you purchase residential property through a MORTGAGE LOAN from this bank on the MONTHLY REDUCTION plan With each repayment, you owe less, and own more. Consult our officers about any tvne of HOME FINANCING. yP Citizens National Bank frazzle. If you don't like trouble in Winter, twitch over to SOHIO now.

It costs oo more it gives you lot more! to start, just call a garage to start your motor and Standard Oil wtf pay the garage starting bilL "YOU START, OR WE PV" standard on RITES FOR INFANT Funeral rites for Susie Jane Jones, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jones, of 106 Chapman street, who died at Bethesda hospital Sunday evening shortly after birth, were conducted Monday afternoon at the grave in the Chund-lersville cemetery. Mutt her Federal Mfmher Ffdernl IV-pnuil Insurance CnrnArai Uue.r Bystem The greatest evidence of Product-Faith erer shown in the oil business! IM TV MeMierf mt fO Vw Hankinf Honrs to Daily, Thorida; imn.mir.i:n.

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